Shah Rukh Khan’s blockbuster action movie Pathaan has taken the world by storm, and the new viral video is proof of that. Former India international skipper Virat Kohli joined the ‘Pathaan‘ trend on Saturday and his fans fell in love with the cricketer’s dance moves on the track titled in the movie ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’ during India vs Australia.
Team India batted as he prepared to enter the field after his innings had ended. Virat decided to have fun as other players were waiting near the boundary. Kohli tried the hook step “Jhoome Jo Pathaan” and was joined by all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja. Read More: WPL Auction 2023- Full Squads and Team Lists with Player’s Price deals
The video has gone viral on social media and fans are going crazy.
Pathaan has become an integral theatrical entertainer celebrated throughout the country. Pathaan is part of Aditya Chopra’s ambitious spy universe, featuring the country’s biggest superstars Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham.
Stars have been showered with love by fans all over the world.
Shah Rukh Khan‘s blockbuster action movie ‘Pathaan‘ has taken the world by storm and his new viral video is proof of that. Former India national team skipper Virat Kohli joined the “Pathaan” trend on Saturday and fans fell in love. A cricketer challenged the dance moves for the title track of the movie “Jhoome Jo Pathaan”.
Team India batted as he prepared to enter the field after his innings had ended, Virat decided to have fun as other players were waiting near the boundary. Kohli tried the hook step “Jhoome Jo Pathaan” and was joined by all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja.