Indian cricket superstar Virat Kohli and his wife, famous Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, attended the Indian Sports Honours Awards ceremony in Mumbai on Thursday. The popular pair took the opportunity to pronounce their non-profit initiative, SeVVA. It aims to offer scholarships to promising young athletes in India.
Despite India’s loss to Australia in Wednesday’s third ODI, Kohli’s difficult half-century was the highlight of the game. He tried his best to keep the Indian team’s hopes alive but unfortunately, his efforts were in vain.
After the match, Kohli traveled from Chennai to Mumbai to attend the awards ceremony with his wife. The couple delighted their loyal followers by sharing a few snaps of themselves on their verified Instagram accounts, accompanied by a heart emoji. A video for the paparazzi released showing Virat and Anushka posing on the red carpet of the event surfaced on social media. While Virat dressed for the event, Anushka opted for a strapless purple dress. Anushka also shared photos of herself with Virat preparing for the event.
In a recent interview
with AB De Villiers’ YouTube channel, Virat Kohli shared the details of his first meeting with his wife Anushka Sharma. The renowned cricketer admitted she was nervous about her status as a well-known and popular actress before meeting her.“My manager called me one day during the [Zimbabwe] tour and said, ‘This opportunity has come up and you are going to make this announcement.’ I thought, ‘Great!’ He says: “We will shoot it with Anushka Sharma.”
She was one of the established and one of the best actresses already in India. As soon as I heard that, I started shaking, ‘How the hell am I going to make that announcement to her?’ She was a real actress. I was so nervous,” said Virat.
Virat Kohli will return to the cricket field on April 2 when RCB kicks off its 2023 IPL campaign against the Mumbai Indians.