Delhi Police are awaiting the detailed autopsy report to find out the exact cause of death of actor Satish Kaushik who passed away on Wednesday. Anupam Kher shared Satish Kaushik’s death news. Veteran Hindi Film director and actor Satish Kaushik died on Wednesday at the age of 67. The actor’s death is mourned by his fans across the country and his friends in the film industry.
Actor Anupam Kher confirmed that actor and filmmaker Satish Kaushik died on Thursday after suffering a heart attack. Read more: Cristiano Ronaldo shows frustration on Al Nassr teammates and Water bottles
Now Delhi Police has issued a statement saying they are awaiting the detailed autopsy report to find out the exact cause of death. In a tweet on Thursday, Anupam said he was shocked to learn of Satish Kaushik’s death. He Twitted with a monochrome photo with Satish. Anupam wrote about him: “I know that death is the ultimate truth, but never in my dreams did I think I would have to write this about my best friend Satish Kaushik. A sudden end to 45 years of friendship. Life will never be similar without you Satish! Om Shanti.”
Now, according to a report by the ANI news agency, the Delhi police have said they are awaiting the detailed autopsy report to find
out the exact cause of Satish Kaushik’s death. A team from Delhi Police visited the farmhouse in southwest Delhi where the party Satish had attended before his death was taking place and procured some “medicines”. According to the report, a party was organized at an industrialist’s country house. The police check the guest list. The party was attended by an industrialist reportedly wanted on a case. Anupam had previously told the PTI news agency that Satish was at a friend’s house in Delhi when he complained of restlessness. “He felt unwell and told the driver to take him to the hospital and on the way he suffered a heart attack around 1 am,” Anupam told PTI. Satish’s last post on his Twitter account was a series of images from the annual Holi celebrations hosted by lyricist and writer Javed Akhtar in Mumbai on March 7th.“Colorful Happy Fun Holi Party at Janki Kutir Juhu by @Javedakhtarjadu @babaazmi @AzmiShabana @tanviazmi… met a beautiful newly married couple @alifazal9 @RichaChadha…Happy Holi everyone…” he wrote.A former student of the National Theatre School and the Film and Television Institute of India, Satish was popular for some of his roles in films like Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron, Mr. India, and Udta Punjab. Revered for his comedic timing, Satish was also a well-known director.
Satish Kaushik’s most popular films as a filmmaker are Tere Naam and Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai. His wife and daughter are the survivors after him.