Yuvraj Singh was the Player of the World Cup tournament when India became ODI World Champions in 2011. The thing that made his performance legendary was when it got revealed that Yuvraj was battling with cancer during the grueling tournament. Now, 12 years after the legendary moment when MS Dhoni scored that six in the World Cup final at Wankhede Stadium to seal India’s historic win. Harbhajan Singh recalls teasing other teammates unaware of Yuvraj’s condition because he kept coughing. “Yuvraj wasn’t feeling well and faced anxiety before games,” He told Star Sports.
“Even when he got hit, he coughed, sometimes he vomited. I asked him why are you coughing so much. See you at your age and what are you doing! But we didn’t know what he was going through and
he was playing at the World Cup during that illness. “Yuvraj didn’t feel well and faced anxiety before matches. Even while batting, he coughed and sometimes vomited. He found out later that they were signs of cancer.”But then we made fun of him for not being aware of the situation, but congratulations to the champion,” Harbhajan told Star Sports. The retired crackpot believes India would not have made it to the World Cup finals if they hadn’t had Yuvraj on the team. “He helped us win the World Cup not once but twice.”
I have a feeling that India would not have won the 2011 World Cup if Yuvraj Singh had not been there. A player like Yuvraj has not been there in the past, or now as they are unique”. said Bhajji.