Team India’s Axar Patel tied his knot with his girlfriend Meha Patel in a lively traditional ceremony on Thursday (26 January). This event is viral with videos on the net now. The left-hand all-rounder married his fiancée, a nutritionist, in Vadodara, Gujarat. The 29-year-old cricketer has been controlled out of Team India’s New Zealand limited-overs series due to personal commitments. Axar is having a sober form nowadays with his career with a promising future in the Indian cricket team.
The couple enjoyed their mehendi ceremony with pre-wedding celebrations on January 25, Wednesday. Axar and Meha had engaged in January 2022
after knowing each other for years. Axar’s wife Meha is a dietician and nutritionist by profession.Meha is very active on social media and regularly shares moments from her life on Instagram. She also posted several updates on the pre-wedding celebrations. She is affectionate to travel and has shared pictures from trips to exotic places like Goa, Scotland, and Dubai. He reportedly has a two-year-old dog named Gucci. Axar’s wedding follows star hitter KL Rahul’s high-profile celebrity wedding to actress and child star Athiya Shetty. The couple married on January 23 at the farm of Athiya’s father, Suniel Shetty, in Khandala.