Mumbai police arrested a 16-year-old boy from the nearby Thane district. He called the police station and allegedly threatened to kill Bollywood superstar, Salman Khan, an official said Tuesday. Mumbai Police Headquarters received the call on Monday. Police then launched an investigation and, with tech support, traced the number from the area of Shahapur in the Thane district. It is 70km from Mumbai. The official confirmed this.
The police team went to Shahapur where they found a 16-year-old boy had made a threatening phone call.
A boy from Rajasthan is under arrest. They will shift him to the Azad
Maidan police in Mumbai for a retrial, the official said. He said an investigation is underway to determine the boy’s intentions behind the threat against the 57-year-old actor.Last month, Mumbai’s Police stepped up security for Salman Khan after he received a threatening email. That prompted police to pre-register an FIR against mobsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. The ‘Dabangg’ actor was previously rated Y-plus by police and drove an armored (Bullet Proof) car with his bodyguards. Police at Bandra here last month registered an FIR against three people: – Bishnoi, Brar, and a Rohit mobster. It was for allegedly sending a threatening email to Khan’s office. Bishnoi is currently in prison in Punjab. Goldy Brar is charged with the murder of singer Sidhu Moosewala. Read Also: BTS SUGA is the new NBA Brand-Ambassador
Earlier in June 2022, an anonymous person endangered Salman Khan with a handwritten note.