Salman Khan’s personal assistant Jordy Patel received an email with a life threat, immediately after receiving the email, the actor’s security at his galaxy apartment residence was beefed up around the clock, & fans would not be allowed to gather around his house. Cops have advised him and his family to avoid all outside gatherings for the time being for their own safety.
An FIR on the same was filed with the Bandra police station by the actor’s close friend Prashant Gunjalkar, he claimed that he saw the threatening email in Jordy Patel’s inbox when he visited the actor’s Bandra office. In his complaint, Gunjalkar mentioned, “I regularly visit Salman’s home & office. On Saturday I was in his office too when I saw the threat mail in Gunjalkar’s computer.“ The threat mail said “Goldy Bhai (Goldy Brar) ko BAAT krni hai Tere boss Salman se. Interview (Lawrence Bishnoi) dekh hi Liya Hoga usne shayad nhi dekha ho toh bol diyo dekh lega. Matter close krna hai to BAAT krva dio, face to face krna ho vo bta dio. Abi time rehte inform krdiya hai agli baar jhatka hi dekhne ko milega.”
Following the latest development & after beefing up actor security, an FIR has been lodged against three individuals- Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar & Rohit Garg who allegedly sent the mail to Salman’s office.