IPL management has fined Royal Challengers Bangalore skipper Faf du Plessis for Rs. 12 lakhs. This happened after his team found guilty of delivering a slow over rate during their game against Lucknow Super Giants. LSG won the match via a last ball wicket and their No. 11 batsman, an emotional Avesh Khan, threw off his helmet after completing the winning run. This act drew a scolding from the match umpire. As it was the team’s first violation of minimum surcharge violations this season under the IPL code of conduct, the captain Faf du Plessis got fined Rs.
12 lakhs.In the case of Madhya Pradesh sprinter Avesh Khan, there was no fine as a formal warning was considered sufficient. “Avesh Khan of Lucknow Super Giants had scolded for violating the Code of Conduct. Mr. Avesh admitted committing a Level 1 2.2 violation of the IPL Code of Conduct and accepted the sanction.” Read Also: Video viral of Pilot urging to continue CSK captainship to Dhoni in the plane journey
For Level 1 Code of Conduct violations, the decision of the Match-referee is final and obligatory.