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India’s star Gymnast Dipa Karmakar

India’s star Gymnast Dipa Karmakar is keen to perform after the end of 21 months ban in 2023

Indian star gymnast Dipa Karmakar has confirmed that she is serving a 21-month doping ban, effective until July 10, 2023. She tested assertive for higenamine. Higenamine, a stimulant, is a beta-2 agonist (listed by the World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List).

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According to the United States Anti-Doping Agency’s official literature, higenamine acts as an overall intoxicant. It helps the lungs absorb more oxygen and is prohibited in and outside of sports competitions.

In response to a statement from the International Testing Agency (ITA) regarding his ban, Karmakar released a statement on Twitter that read: “In October 2021, my sample was collected for out-of-competition testing. and was sent for evaluation. Tested positive for a prohibited substance that I unknowingly ingested and the source of which I have been unable to determine. I have opted for a Provisional Suspension in hopes of a quick resolution with the International Federation. I am glad the matter was resolved kindly resolved. Karmakar says he doesn’t know how the banned substance got into his body and that it was something that caused him tremendous stress. “However, it was excruciating not knowing how the substances got into mine more so because I am in a position where my ethics have been questioned. Never in my career has it occurred to me to use a prohibited substance.

Gymnastics is all I have and I would never do anything to bring myself or my country into disrepute. said. Karmakar first came to prominence at the 2014 Commonwealth Games where their Produnova Vault high-scoring jump gave her a bronze. She later finished fourth at the Rio Olympics and then won a medal at the World Championships.

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